Pension funds, invest in the Netherlands!
“In the coming years, emissions of CO2 will have to be reduced 17 times faster than in recent years,” according to a McKinsey report on the energy transition published last Friday. Achieving this will require substantial investment, in the order of some 10 billion euros every year for twenty years.
Outcome a foregone conclusion in battle between money and happiness
New visual Priva identity!
Can you look at the world of today with tomorrow’s eyes? Today, we offer solutions for Horticulture and Building Automation. Tomorrow we will be the leading technology and service provider for sustainable urban deltas. Meet our new visual identity!
Entrepreneurs take the first step!
Europe. I don’t really want to talk about it in depth, but just mention it. Ultimately, from a ‘global’ perspective there are sufficient reasons for reinforcing trade and for having a stronger voice with respect to the other world powers. But from a ‘local’ perspective, there are plenty of reservations about the plethora of rules that are imposed and their interpretation. These result in excessive procurement rules and an exaggerated fear of state aid.
Symposium Willem Lageweg
June 28, 2016 – Symposium on the occasion of the goodbye of William Lageweg as Director of CSR Netherlands.
Ben van Beurden’s strange choice
“We are perhaps the world’s biggest dividend payer. That’s also important.” A remarkable statement by Ben van Beurden, CEO of Shell, in Het Financieele Dagblad on Tuesday May 24th. He also said: “The ten largest solar cell companies in the world together invest $5 billion a year; last year Shell invested $30 billion. Together, the ten largest solar energy companies have never made a profit or paid out a dividend.”
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Dubious business models
Some companies and industries are trapped by their own business model. As a result, systems are kept in place that are in fact no longer viable, because these companies are incapable of leaving the old economy behind and going for real innovation. These companies have every interest in maintaining their own circular reasoning.
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April 29, 2016 – Microsoft reference project
We keep absurd systems alive
In early April I was in Boston at the invitation of AACSB, an organisation that accredits business schools throughout the world, including the Rotterdam School of Management. In this respect, RSM is in good company, alongside schools such as MIT in Boston and Harvard University.